Bookseller Catalogs

Art Deco Catalogue - November 2021

Art Deco Catalogue - November 2021 We have Deco-influenced magazines, wallpaper sample books, theater programs, and maps from the early 20th century, as well as a Chinese painting from the 19th century that serves as a visual forerunner. Come explore the World of Tomorrow with bright colors and geometric shapes, Streamline Moderne architecture, and glimpses of the iconic Trylon and Perisphere from the 1939 World’s Fair in New York.

Fall 2021: African Americana

By Burnside Rare Books

Fall 2021: African Americana Highlights include a number of scarce works by authors such as Georgia Douglas Johnson and Sarah Farro (the third known published African-American woman novelist), Nancy Cunard's Negro Anthology, signed books by polar explorer Matthew Henson and Martin Luther King, Jr, and a second edition of Narrative of Sojourner Truth in the original wraps.

Catalog #6

By Burnside Rare Books

Catalog #6 An eclectic mix of new arrivals featuring a signed first edition of Irma Rombauer's The Joy of Cooking, a signed first edition of Isaac Asimov's sci-fi classic I, Robot, and a lock of Richard Brautigan's hair.

E-Catalogue Nine: Size Matters

By Les Enluminures, Ltd.

E-Catalogue Nine: Size Matters Manuscripts come in all sizes. Size is one of the most important clues to how a book was used. It is also the most difficult attribute of a book to convey by means of digital images. This list includes the six smallest and six largest manuscripts (including one early printed book) from our Text Manuscripts site.

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